Sunday, April 28, 2013

"David Axelrod now works for MSNBC, which is a nice change of pace, since MSNBC used to work for David Axelrod.

Said Obama last night, making funny at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. His comic routine lasts over 20 minutes. I just pulled that one line out because it actually almost corresponded to the truth about correspondents.

ADDED: Meade and I both said "wow" when he said "I remember when Buzzfeed was just something I did in college around 2 a.m."

AND: That's a long slog. Here's the 2 minute compression done by WaPo.

I wish they'd cut out part of the lengthy laughing at every effort Obama makes at humor. It's so dull watching the complacent folks in formalwear lolling about chuckling at the boss's jokes. Conan O'Brien seemed pretty awkward. He rolled out the old analogy that adult life is like high school. Fox is the jocks, etc. He included bloggers — the goths. (That was a meme around here 3 years ago.)

MORE: I really do find the shots of the audience quite sickening. Do they not realize how they look? It's an anti-advertisement for the services they'd like to sell us. They seem utterly unprepared to confront power. I'm thinking: This is something that should be done in private, like masturbation. Then I realize: This is the public show. Imagine what they do in private.

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