Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Sebelius lie: "We didn't have the luxury of [more website testing] with the law that says, it's go time on October 1."

On "Fox News Sunday" today, Chris Wallace played a video clip:
KATHLEEN SEBELIUS, SECRETARY OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES: I think that there -- in an ideal world would have been a lot more testing. We didn't have the luxury of that with the law that says, it's go time on October 1.
He then said:
But it turns out, that is just not true. Take a look at this. "According to the law, the enrollment period shall be, "as determined by the secretary." Secretary Sebelius. Nothing about October 1. So, she decided to go ahead with this plan of October 1ST.
Incredible... not just that she would lie but that she'd lie about something so easily shown to be false. Just astounding.

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