Friday, August 23, 2013

Martin Manley's suicide website.

Yahoo took it down, his sister thinks it should be put back up — that photo at the link is not the sister, btw — and the group known as Anonymous has put the whole thing up.

So I went over there (to the link at the line) and read some of Manley's suicide website. Some. Not all. It's quite long. Multipaged. You'd think someone that chatty wouldn't be so impatient with the way life is not over yet. So why did he kill himself? I still don't know! And I skimmed a few pages, including "Why suicide?"

Some people are afraid a website like that will encourage suicide. It encouraged me to wisecrack that if I had to read this whole thing, I'd kill myself. But that's just it. You don't have to read the whole thing. And you won't be lured into Martin Manley's little world of suicide. I don't think. I predict, if you browse around over there, before you figure out what his point was, you'll get bored and click back into the real world, the world where life goes on, and you can always think of something better to do than check out early.

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